The third red version of WhatsApp Abu Ahmed works next to the official WhatsApp and runs a third phone number. It has amazing features such as prevent others from deleting messages and save view once media. With BH3WhatsApp Red, you can customize the application interface with unique colors and fonts, in addition to enhancing your privacy through options to hide status and last appearance.
How to download BH3WhatsApp
- Download the WhatsApp Red APK file from the link above.
- Go to your phone’s Settings > Security > Enable “Unknown Sources” to allow installation of apps from outside the Google Play Store.
- After downloading the file, open your phone’s file manager and navigate to the location where the APK file is saved. Tap on the file to begin the installation process.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.
- After installation is complete, open WhatsApp Red and log in with your phone number. Follow the instructions to set up your account.