
Create New Account

  1. Go to Register new account page, from here.
  2. Fill the form to create new account which require your username, email, and password.
  3. Click on Register.
  4. Now the process is completed, go to your email to activate the account.

How To Upload Files?

  1. After you complete the process of creating your account.
  2. Click on Upload Files button on the main page.
  3. From the upload files page, select the files you want to upload to the website.
  4. With that the upload is done, and you can share the file link on the internet.

Sharing Files

After you upload the files, you get the link of the file and you can share it on social media or anywhere on the internet.

Why You Should Use Free Download Center?

Having your files in the Free Download Center website, will allow you to access them from any computer, tablet, or phone, whenever you want.

Report a Link

If you face any problem in any link, like if it doesn’t work, or it is illegal, you can report your problem in Report a Problem Page.

You need to put your name, email, and choose the right category for your problem, then describe your problem shortly, finally click on send.

Storage Is Not Enough

Free Download Center website offers you 15 GB free storage.